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Klacey's Self Help Library

Nursing; The Profession You Love to Hate

ASIN: B009N52YP2


Many people have a strong calling to be a registered nurse, and they begin the path to fulfill the dreams they have for themselves and the wellbeing of their families.  Whether it’s the desire to have a more lavish lifestyle, have more free time to vacation here, there, and everywhere on your elevated income, or merely to help others and make a difference in the world, it’s important you get to the bottom of all that’s in store for you before embarking on this dream. For me, I was looking to not only help others but, also, have financial stability for me and my children, along with having more free time to explore America with them.  Even in the beginning, of the pursuit of this misguided dream, I began to sense that all was not as it was portrayed to me and other potential “Nurse wanna be’s.”  Upon graduation, it was then that reality shock really hit.  Before you embark on a nursing career, read this E-book to find out exactly what’s awaiting your future if you insist on pursuing this educational goal.  Just  so click on the title of the E-book to be taken directly to the page now where you can purchase your own copy of this valuable information.

Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?



All too often it is so easy to slip into an ocean of negativity, where we all focus on that which we don’t have.  They say that happiness is a state of mind and not due to circumstances, but we all have good days and bad days.  To some degree, how you view things can make the difference between being happier or downright miserable, and it’s really all up to you and how you want to make it through each day.  This E-book encourages the reader and teaches coping thoughts to help you make it through each day with a broad smile instead of a pouting frown, so click on the title of the E-book to be taken directly to the page now where you can purchase your own copy of this valuable information.

How to Impress Her on the First Date . . . & Forever

ASIN: B005OR815U


Whether you’re a female or a male, this is an education in dating etiquette that is potentially vital to your happier disposition in relationships.  Essentially, this E-book teaches those things that are so important no matter what stage of a relationship you’re in, you are merely contemplating the dating game, maintaining that love relationship, or trying to rejuvenate a relationship that has become old and tired from day to day.  At the same time, if your love partner isn’t giving you what you need to make you happy, this E-book as a gift would be a gentle reminder of what it takes to keep that stimulating romance alive.  To determine how you could impress the love of your life, return that passion to a failing relationship, or merely maintain that which you are happy with, this self-help E-book is a must read for all.  So  so click on the title of the E-book to be taken directly to the page now where you can purchase your own copy of this valuable information.

How to Prevent Stress from Making You Crazy



In this fast paced world of work and no play, it is easy for anyone and everyone to get over stressed.  As we may or may not know, stress can actually kill you especially when it is constant and prolonged.   This E-book educates the reader on tactics to combat stress that take minutes a day to do, and can, if used correctly and on a regular basis, actually save your life and enhance your sense of wellbeing.  Whether you know these practices or not, it will educate you and, or, remind you of the importance of performing them each day to reduce your stress level and try to live a healthier and happier life.  For your own good, and those that love you, this E-book is a must read for all, so Click on the title of the E-book to be taken directly to the page now where you can purchase your own copy of this valuable information.

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Klacey's Castle, nonfiction online bookstore, & self help books located in Raleigh, NC, USA.

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